Dry and Itchy Skin? Not anymore!

Monday, June 10th there was a severe storm in the Austin area. Our little town took quite the beating between tornado warnings, flooding and trees being struck down by lightening every which way. Plus, it has continued to rain every day this week, whether that being a full shower or just a sprinkle. The excessive amount of water could seriously affect our community. The lake could rise causing flooding similar to last year or even cause the piping of our homes to shift as the soil softens. Much like the effect water has on our town, the hard water you use at home could be causing problems for your body.
We often label the water in our showers as “hard water” but what does that mean exactly? Hard water is high in calcium and 85% of the population has it running through their house. Bathing or showering with this water can cause immediate redness and dry skin along with more permanent damage. One major example is the ability calcium has to change the oil chemistry of your skin. It settles on the top layer of the skin preventing it from being able to moisturize itself, causing enlarged pores, acne and itching. More serious symptoms include rosacea and/or eczema which would require a dermatologist’s expertise. A part from the skin, calcium also affects nails and hair. It weakens them, making them brittle and causing breakage in the hair.
Here are some ways to keep your skin soft and clean even with hard water.
Use non-fragranced and moisturizing washes.
By using these kinds of products you’ll cancel out the dryness that the calcium brings to your skin. You can also help assist your skin in maintaining a moisturized feel keeping it healthy and clean!
Body oils and Lotions
Body oils also are very helpful to maintain the dryness and itchiness that comes with the calcium build up. Lotion does the same thing; oil is just a much heavier option.
Chelator can remove calcium from your skin so finding products with this ingredient will save your skin. Sample of products that have this include Evercalm™ Gentle Cleansing Milk, Skintifique Hydrating Gel and Stem Cell C Serum.
Water Softener
You can purchase water softener systems to help prevent and clear up the calcium in your pipes. Good Clean Plumbing installs the NUGEN Pure Water System. This will not only help your pipes but it will also help your wallet by preventing you from spending your money on all of the skincare products listed above.
Now you know about the harmful affects of hard water. We hope these few tips will help keep your skin feeling great, and if you need a water treatment system you know who to call! (833) 963-4739
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